Skills Training

Because being in the wilderness requires skills, and skills take practice, these courses are designed to help students with some of the important nuts and bolts of outdoor leadership. From skillfully handling a canoe, to navigating with a map and compass, participants will be able to practice and perfect many essential skills that are used to travel and live in the backcountry.

$75 per person per day. Min group size: 6.


In this class, you will learn the theory and practice of using a map and compass as they relate to wilderness travel, and become familiar with concepts like declination, bearings, triangulation, orienting a map, and much more. We’ll also look at how to use a GPS unit and the skills needed to activate emergency response devices.


This fun and challenging course will involve hands on practice as we learn to implement the 7 essentials of survival, and spend time in the outdoors practicing building shelters and fires, finding and treating water, learning to make snares, and how to live in the outdoors with minimal gear, a good wilderness skill set and lots of creativity.


Rope Work

From simple knots and hitches, to more complex anchor systems, this class will give you the valuable know-how and skill to add to your toolbox for a multitude of applications. We will investigate the various materials and shear strengths for the ropes and cords we work with the most, as well as the proper applications for this gear in the alpine & marine environments.


A great class where you learn to paddle in tandem and solo. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the necessary skills to not only get to where you want to go safely, but also what to do in challenging situations you might encounter on the way. With much practice and feedback, see tangible improvements in your ability to handle your canoe on the water.