Custom Classics

Looking for an adventure that's slightly outside of the box? We have a number of trips designed for a more specific audience whether you're looking for a good father/son trip, a walk through history, a more intense challenge, or wanting to hone your creative skills behind the lens.

Alpine Expedition

A journey into the heart of the wilderness, where you will learn hands-on leadership concepts, technical know-how like climbing and navigation, as well as a host of backcountry skills ranging from leave no trace principles, to wilderness camping to cross country travel. Come experience an extended time in the outdoors on an adventure of a lifetime.

 8 Days                                    Cost $859

Into the wild

This father-son course is an amazing experience! You'll find incredible renewal, connection & perspective as you hike, climb, swim and ascend some spectacular peaks together in some of BC's most scenic backcountry. Discover a closer friendship and a fresh appreciation for this truly incredible adventure called Fatherhood.

 4 days                                    Cost $399 for 2

3 Day Mixed combo

For those who want to experience 3 unique adventures over the course of 3 days, this one is for you. Our Spring program includes Snowshoeing, Caving and Sea kayaking, and our Summer program includes Climbing, Caving and Canoeing. Each day will feature new insights and lessons.

 3 days                              Cost$299

Mountain Photography

Join WAO and photographer Chris Harder for a one day adventure into the backcountry to learn the ins and outs of taking quality photos in the mountains: landscape, macro, action & astro. Bring your camera, tripod and creative eye.

 1 day                                        Cost $149

HBC Select

This trip will bring us to a crown jewel of the historic Hudsons Bay Company Brigade trail, as we hike into Conglomerate Flats, set up base camp, and spend the next two days exploring the famous trail, swimming in the nearby lakes and taking in the majestic alpine views that make up this part of the Coast Range.

 3 days                                    Cost $329